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Cool Aid+

High summer Humidex happens. But significant losses in production don’t have to.

Heat in the summer is a given.

Read on to hear how Purina’s producers using Cool Aid+ have made the best of it.

Purinas Cool Aid

Available for Lactating and Dry Cows

Ask your Purina Dairy Consultant about adding it to your ration this summer, or in a premix.

The biggest thing I use Cool-Aid for, is reproduction. My pregnancy rate is still sitting at 30% going into August and I’m still breeding 80-85% natural heats. I’ve had the odd more cystic cow, but the nice thing about it, is they still respond. Before Cool-Aid I’d use a lot of CIDRs

John Knill, Knillstead Farms Ltd., Princeton Ont.

On Cool-Aid there was virtually no summer milk drop, cows weren’t leaking milk so SCC was better, cows weren’t breathing heavy and drooling, and summer/fall insemination problems were essentially non-exist. Not to mention, you see the results of Cool-Aid right away.

Belvaldale Farm S.E.N.C., Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot, QC

Typically my herd drops in milk production in the summer, but not when we fed Summer Premix with Cool-Aid – production stayed strong. Both the fresh cows and lactating cows who had received cool-aid spent more time lying down, they just appear stronger.

Ghislain Allard, Ferme Nollard, Sainte-Brigitte des saults, QC

We went through one heat wave this year in May before we had Cool-Aid in the ration and intakes dropped a teensy bit, while milk dropped a litre. Then this heat stretch {in July} nothing dropped, intakes have even increased a little bit. This heat wave, way better.

John Knill, Knillstead Farms Ltd., Princeton, ON

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