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Purina offers a range of helpful resources, including a convenient feed selector, a ration balancer, a comprehensive FAQ section, and more to ensure you can find the right nutrition solution for your animals.

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Explore Purina Products

  • Purina® Evolution


    16.5% Protein
    7.0% Fat
    15.0% Fibre
    Feed for mares, nursing and growing foals
    Learn More
  • Purina® Gold’N

    Layena® Plus (Short Cut Pellet)

    17.0% Protein
    2.5% Fat
    5.0% Fibre
    Complete source of premium nutrition with plant-based protein ingredients to support egg production
    Learn More
  • Right Now® Mineral

    Bronze Mineral Supplement

    12.0% Calcium (actual)
    8.0% Phosphorus (actual)
    5.8% Sodium (actual)
    High nutrient density to supplement mature, dormant pastures and forages
    Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your feed questions.

View FAQs
  • How can I tell how fresh my feed is?

    Purina feed bags are marked on the tag with a code that indicates what day that bag of feed was produced on.

    On the tag, look for “Lot:” followed by a series of numbers and/or letters. The first two digits (may be letters or numbers) indicate which plant made that product, and then there are 4 digits strung together – the first digit indicates the year, so anything made in 2024 would have a 4, anything after the 1st of 2025 has a 5. Then the next three numbers are called the “Julian Date Code” – these number the days of the year. So, Jan 1 is 001, Jan 2 is 002, and so on until December 31 is 365.

    Example: WB4032 or 594032. These Lot codes would indicate product made in 2024, on the 32nd day of the year, or February 1st.

    The first day of each month corresponds with the following Julian Date code:

    001 = Jan 1st
    032 = Feb 1st
    060 = March 1st
    091 = April 1st
    121 = May 1st
    152 = June 1st
    182 = July 1st
    213 = Aug 1st
    244 = Sept 1st
    274 = Oct 1st
    305 = Nov 1st
    335 = Dec 1st

  • What is the typical shelf life for feed?

    The shelf life of feeds can vary greatly, based on the type of feed and the conditions it is stored in.

    Textured (or “sweet”) feeds typically have the shortest shelf life, as the higher moisture content makes them more prone to mold issues. Pelleted feeds have a longer shelf life, and extruded feeds have the longest shelf life.

    The biggest factor, though, is storage conditions. When stored in dry, cool conditions, from the date of manufacture through storage at a dealership and at farm, all the way to feeding, nutrient levels in animal feeds can be good for up to 6 months, although palatability may fall off some during that time.

    However, changes in heat or humidity can take shelf life down to just a few weeks. It is generally recommended to keep purchases of feed smaller and more frequent to help ensure optimal freshness:

    • Use pelleted feeds within 60 days during summer months and 90 days during winter months.
    • Use textured feeds within 45 days during summer months and 60 days during winter months.
    • It is also important to always inspect feed prior to use for bugs, mold, or other evidence of damage.
  • What should I do if my feed is moldy?

    Never offer moldy hay or feed to animals. Store feed properly to prevent exposure to moisture or contamination by insects or other pests.

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