Feed for mares, nursing and growing foals
Evolution Maternity is a low glycemic, multiparticle feed (contains pelleted and extruded components) for late gestation and lactating mares and for nursing and growing foals. Evolution Maternity utilizes the latest nutritional research on the requirements vital for optimal milk production and sound growth.
Form: Multiparticle (pelleted and extruded components)
Available Sizes: 20kg
Guaranteed Analysis
Nutrient LevelProtein 16.50 %Fat 7.00 %Fibre 15.00 %Calcium 1.35 %Phosphorus 0.75 %Sodium 0.45 %Vitamin A 10000 I.U./kgVitamin D3 2200 I.U./kgVitamin E 300 I.U./kgSelenium 0.40 ppmContains an elevated level of selenium (0.40 ppm) Important antioxidants. Preventing foal selenium deficiencies.
Nutrients IngredientsFibre Soya Hulls, Beet Pulp, Dehydrated Alfalfa MealProtein/ Amino Acids DL-Methionine, Soya Bean Meal, L-LysineStarch Ground CornFat Flaxseed, Soya OilPrebiotic YeastProbiotic Mixture of Live BacteriaVitamins Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamine, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Ascorbic AcidMinerals Salt (Sodium Chloride), Calcium Carbonate, Mono Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Iodate, Copper Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate, Manganese Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Organic Copper, Organic Manganese, Organic Zinc, Organic Selenium, Magnesium Oxide, Cobalt CarbonateMulti-Attributes Wheat shorts, Athlete**Flavour/ Binder Molasses*Ingredients are not in order of their inclusion rate. **Athlete™, refers to the extruded component in this product which differs from the Purina Pur-Athlete extruded supplement. Athlete is not available for sale. An ingredient list for Athlete is available upon request.
Feeding Instructions
Evolution Maternity is recommended for the gestating, lactating mare and nursing foal. Feed in conjunction with water and a minimum of 1% body weight (on a dry matter basis) of a long stemmed forage (hay/pasture). Feed according to the following table, whereby the lower quantity meets minimum vitamin and mineral requirements and the higher quantity meets Purina Superior Recommendations. Ideally, feed enough to achieve desired body condition, and for every kilogram under the Purina Superior recommendation, provide 275 grams of Purina Optimal (35720). Depending on hay analysis, Equilizer (35710) may be better suited as the optional top-dress supplement.
- Purina recommends analyzing your hay and balancing the ration accordingly.
- Feed clean and dust free hay in sufficient amount daily. Feeding poor quality hay or feeding inadequate amounts could cause colic and other digestive upsets.
- Daily ration should be divided into 2 and preferably 3 separate feedings or more.
- Use a scale to weigh your feed so you know exactly how much your horse is being fed. Do not feed by volume.
- Purina recommends providing a maximum of 0.5% of body weight of this feed at one time.
- These recommendations are intended as a guide. They should be adjusted to variables of management, environment and individual needs. Consult your Purina Equine Consultant if necessary.
- Follow sound management practices along with optimal preventive veterinary medicine.
CAUTION- Directions for use must be carefully followed.
- Feed is perishable. Store in a dry, well‑ventilated area protected from rodents and insects. Do not feed moldy or insect‑infested feed to animals as it may cause illness, abortion or death.
Minimum Purina Superior Broodmares Gestation 0.73 1.00 Lactation 0.91 1.25 Foals 4 to 6 months 1.00 1.25 7 to 18 months 0.91 1.25
Nutritional Facts
Calories | Digestible Energy
Low Glycemic (Reduced starch, higher fat & fibre)
Delivers sensible calories (energy) for optimal growth and milk production. • A calorie blend designed to help minimize DOD’s (Developmental Orthopedic Diseases) by controlling insulin response in mare and foal. • Helps minimize gut upset (colic) by preventing starch overload in the hindgut. • Proven to effectively lessen glycemic and insulin response.
Contains a high pectin fibre source (beet pulp)
A highly fermentable fibre source providing needed calories for milk production and growth. • Helps maintain a healthier hindgut pH and microbial population.
Athlete™, Purina’s unique extruded high fat supplement with flaxseed (an excellent source of Omega‑3) with a 5:1 balanced Omega-6 to Omega‑3 ratio
Higher digestibility and calorie (energy) availability. • Improves hair coat and skin condition. • Supports immune function and anti-inflammatory properties. • Omega‑3 fatty acids shown to enhance insulin efficiency thus reducing insulin resistance. • Important for proper cognitive development. • Promotes improved fertility in mares.
Horse Plus™, Purina’s exclusive blend of Vitamin C, and a full complement of all B vitamins including biotin
Helps support proper immune function and overall health. • Essential for proper utilization or energy for growth and milk production. • Helps enhance fertility.
Prebiotics and probiotics
Helps promote good gut bacteria and protect against harmful bacteria for improved gut health. • Supports antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM) production in colostrum.
Balanced amino acids with added Lysine & Methionine
Provides building blocks for improved muscle and joint development and milk production.
Organic copper, zinc, manganese and selenium
Increases absorption and enhances trace mineral bioavailability to improve immune response and bone development and decrease the risk of DOD’s. • Supports the transplacental transfer of selenium during late gestation.
Yeast Culture
Improves hindgut fermentation which increases energy, protein and phosphorus utilization.
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