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Bring on the Day!

Canada’s dairy farmers have an unwavering dedication to squeezing the most out of every day, and so do we. 

Don’t sweat your hard work. We’ll make sure it’s worth it.

In dairy farming, it takes generations of hard work to grow a legacy. One day you’re handing Dad the wrench, the next you’re managing your own large farm. At Purina, we’re passionate about supporting your vision. Whether we’re giving your calves a great start or unleashing the potential of your cows, we’re committed to providing the best solutions for every stage of your herd’s development. When you need to overcome unexpected challenges or push your farm to new limits, our local consultants will be readily available. You have an unending dedication to making the most of every day. To seeing greater results. To doing the very best job you possibly can. We’ll get you there.

Dairy Solutions

  • Young Animal Nutrition

    It’s only a matter of time before today’s calves and heifers become the most profitable part of your farm.

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  • Transition Cows

    The path to peak milk starts with smooth transitions.

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  • Lactating Success

    You’re always looking for ways to increase your profitability, and so are we. Let’s put a world of experience and innovation on your side.

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  • Beyond Nutrition

    You have an unending dedication to making the most of every day. To seeing greater results. To doing the very best job you possibly can. We have the tools to get you there.

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We Are Purina

They (Purina) take a lot of value in my every day success

Scott Jackson, Evenstar Holsteins

The relationship with all the Purina staff has been second to none. Always a call away to help us out

Rob Reid, Ridgetown Campus Dairy Herd – University of Guelph

With Purina, it’s the level of service. You can’t beat their service. They are competitive and honest, good quality product.

The Hoogendyke’s, Rideau Lakes Holsteins

Purina is the best. That’s what I think. That’s the quality. That’s the Cadillac of feeds I always felt. Purina.

Scott Jackson, Evenstar Holsteins


Herd Lifetime Productivity (HL+), our all-encompassing digital analytics tool for maximizing the lifelong profitability of dairy herds

Following years of hands-on experience with CowSignals and extensive data analysis with Dairy Enteligen, HL+ is the latest way that we’re leveraging our tools, expertise and knowledge. Through our continued evolution, we’re empowering you to make the best choices for your operation, and when you do, you’ll know your hard work helps to maximize herd productivity.


Canada’s Premier Starter

You already know that healthy, mature heifers translate to more milk in lactation. With our expertise, we’ll provide world-class nutrition to your calves and make them profitable sooner. We’re always focused on identifying ways to improve calf immunity, rumen development, average daily gain and more – all so you can maximize your herd’s potential.

Robotic milking for high performing herds

We’re committed to helping hard-working dairy farmers like you maximize herd productivity.

Drawing on a wide range of knowledge, data and additives, we’re ready to push your farm to its fullest potential – no matter the colour of your robot.

Building A Dairy Legacy

There’s a special pride that is only felt by farmers.

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Learn more about our members.

Purina Leader’s Council members represent all segments of Ontario’s diverse dairy industry, and the annual meetings provide members an opportunity to share and compare different perspectives with other leading dairy producers.

Quebec’s Modern-Day Dairy Farm

They say if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

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1 week ago

Purina ProActiv
🏆 BRAVO 👏🏼🏆 La Ferme Estermann : Meilleur Troupeau Laitier au Canada pour la 4e fois ! Félicitations à la Ferme Estermann, qui décroche à nouveau la première place selon l’Indice de performance du troupeau (IPT) de Lactanet ! 🎉📢 Découvrez tous les détails dans l’article du Bulletin des agriculteurs 👉ère #Lactanet #MeilleurTroupeau See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

Purina ProActiv
With the announcement of Canada's top managed herds (2024), we wanted to send out a special congratulations to the herds we have the great pleasure of working with:#1 🏆 Ferme Estermann Inc. 🏆 Fed by Simon Lareau and Les Moulees A&M Mathieu Inc.#16 Pfister Dairy Farm Fed by Donna Benschop and Jeff Biegus at Leis Feed & Supply #22 Ferme Bellaska Jersey Inc. Fed by Jimmy Gonthier and Rosalie Dubois and Belgirard Inc. #4 Robot and Top in PEI – Tenslotte Dairy Ltd. Feb by Grace Jackson at Clarence Farm Services***************Avec l’annonce des meilleurs troupeaux laitiers canadiens (2024), nous souhaitons adresser des félicitations aux troupeaux avec lesquels nous avons le grand plaisir de travailler :#1🏆 Ferme Estermann Inc. 🏆 Accompagné par Simon Lareau et Les Moulées A&M Mathieu Inc.#16 Pfister Dairy Farm Accompagné par Donna Benschop, Jeff Biegus et Leis Feed et Supply #22 Ferme Bellaska Jersey Inc. Accompagné par Jimmy Gonthier et Rosalie Dubois et Belgirard Inc. #4 Robot – Top à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard – Tenslotte Dairy Ltd. Accompagné par Grace Jackson et Clarence Farm Services See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Purina ProActiv
Félicitations à :Congratulations goes out to:Ferme Héritage Nordik inc.Ferme MonréalFerme SyldenFermes JN Beauchemin & Fils inc.Ferme Dupotier inc.Ferme Joel Lavoie et Fils inc.Ferme Boily et filsFerme Girelou inc. See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Purina ProActiv
3…2…1… Félicitations et bienvenue aux nouveaux membres des Éleveurs Élites Purina de cette année – intronisés du Québec!3…2…1…Welcome and congratulations to this year's Purina Leaders Council – Quebec, inductees! See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Purina ProActiv
Les célébrations débutent ici ! Nous réunissons à nouveau les Éleveurs Élites Purina du Québec. Restez à l'écoute pour découvrir les nouveaux membres de ce groupe élite…Bring on… the celebrations! We are welcoming our Purina Leaders Council – Quebec back together. Stay tuned as we share who is joining the club… See MoreSee Less

Contact Us

You have an unending dedication to making the most of every day. To seeing greater results. To doing the very best job you possibly can. We’ll get you there.