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  • two horses in pasture

    Why Topline is not Just Important in Show Horses

    Having a healthy topline is important for all horses whether they are pleasure horses, show horses or pets. If you go to the gym you will see everyone from the extreme athlete to people recovering fro...

  • Amino Acid Requirements for Horses

    In order to fuel, repair, and recover muscle, equine diets must optimally contain a superior amino acid profile, including all 10 of the essential amino acids. Most horse owners can quickly name the c...

  • Exercise and Its Role in Your Horse’s Topline

    A common misperception about topline is that it can be improved through exercise alone. Lack of exercise – or the wrong type of exercise is often blamed for a poor topline. While exercise alters exi...

  • saddle on horse

    Saddle Fit Impact on Topline

    Poor saddle fit can be a symptom of a much larger issue. If the musculature of the horse’s back/topline area is not full and rounded, expressing high quality of muscle, many times a saddle will not ...

  • Topline is Key to Horse Well-Being

    A poor topline is commonly viewed as a result of lack of exercise, inadequate saddle fit or genetics. However, nutrition is also an essential, and often overlooked, element to consider when looking fo...