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Purina® SuperFibra

Nature Complement

Quality product for horses

SuperFibra Nature Complement is a pelleted feed with high levels of good quality digestible fibre. It can supplement or replace part of the daily hay ration in adult horses, senior horses and foals older than 6 months. SuperFibra Nature Complement is formulated with certified quality ingredients and is manufactured exclusively in our specialized and drug- free facility in Strathroy, Ontario.

Where to Buy
12.0% Protein
2.0% Fat
30.0% Fibre
  • Guaranteed Analysis

    Nutrients Levels
    Protein 12.00 %
    Fat 2.00 %
    Fibre 30.00 %

  • Ingredients

    Nutrients Ingredients
    Fibre Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Soya Hulls
    Protein/ Amino Acids
    Multi-Attributes Wheat shorts
    Flavour/ Binder Pellet Binding Agent

    *Ingredients are not in order of their inclusion rate.

  • Feeding Instructions

    SuperFibra Nature Complement can be fed to all horses 6 months of age and older. A horse should consume a minimum of 1.5 to 3% body weight per day of long stemmed forage (hay/pasture). This product can replace up to 50% of the forage normally fed to an individual horse. A typical feeding rate is 0.5 to 1.5% body weight per day. For example, a 500kg horse receiving a minimum of 1.5% body weight (or 7.5 kg) in forage, can receive up to 0.75% body weight per day (or 3.75kg) of Simplici-T Nature Complement. The daily ration should be fed over a recommended 2 to 3 separate feedings. This high fibre product does not contain added vitamins or minerals, and should be fed along with a Purina complete feed. Feed in conjunction with hay and water. Provide free choice salt.


Nutritional Facts

  • High level of fibre

    Can substitute up to 50% of daily hay ration.

  • Allows to decrease the amount of hay or pasture consumed

    Control the volume intake to prevent “hay bellies”.

  • Reduced sugar/starch content, commonly referred to as low glycemic

    Delivers sensible calories (energy) needed for inactive to light active horses. • Helps minimize excitability. • Helps minimize gut upset (colic) by preventing starch overload in the hindgut.

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