Recent studies confirm that body condition is crucial to the mare’s capacity to reproduce.
It has been demonstrated that, with a minimum body condition score of 5.5, the broodmare will cycle earlier in the season, conceive more easily, and maintain gestation with less trouble.
The ideal body condition score for the broodmare about to be bred or inseminated is between 5.5 and 6.5. Planning appropriate nutrition approximately two to three months ahead will allow gradual weight gain in order to reach the desired body condition score at the right time.
If your mare is already fat, this recommendation does not apply. Instead, simply maintain the same caloric intake while ensuring that the mare’s mineral and vitamin requirements are met by feeding a supplement such as Equilibrium Equilizer.
Choose antioxidants
In matters of broodmare fertility, all nutrients must be taken into consideration because they promote cell function and integrity, while fostering immune response. Deficiencies or an improper nutritional balance could cause certain immune and health problems that diminish libido and fertility.
In addition to being powerful antioxidants and barriers to free radicals, selenium and vitamins A, C and E play a crucial role, especially for older breeding horses. These nutrients, in particular vitamin E and selenium, facilitate optimum immune system activity, and in turn, promote increased resistance to infections of all kinds, in particular mare uterine infections and endometritis.
The vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene, is probably best known for its major effect on reproduction In fact, it is thought to play a notable role in ovulation control and embryo implantation. Prolonged vitamin A deficiency is also suspected of causing abortions.
Add sources of omega-3
The addition of ground flax seed, flax seed oil or fish oil may also be considered; however palatability problems can arise among more finicky animals. To be effective, these supplements must always be given in the right proportion.
The importance of a correct balance of these fatty acids (omega 6/omega 3) to the mare’s immune system and overall general health must not be overlooked. Purina Athlete calorie supplement is a good source of omega-3, as are the complete feeds SuperFibra Integri-T, Evolution Sport Elite, Equilibrium Trimax, and Evolution Senior. With these products, your horse will maintain a healthy body condition and, if necessary, gain weight.