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  • How the transition period influences the longevity of dairy cows

    Managing cows correctly during the transition period is one of the most important factors for overall farm success. During the transition period, nutrient requirements change to support fetal growth, ...

  • two horses in pasture

    Why Topline is not Just Important in Show Horses

    Having a healthy topline is important for all horses whether they are pleasure horses, show horses or pets. If you go to the gym you will see everyone from the extreme athlete to people recovering fro...

  • Getting the most Eggs from your Hens in Winter

    As cold winter weather approaches and the days grow shorter, your normally productive hens may be challenged to stay productive, and the cold weather may take its toll on the eggs they do lay. How can...

  • Quebec’s Modern-Day Dairy Farm

    They say if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. It’s probably fair to say that even the most passionate dairy farmer would have something to say about that, and there’s n...

  • Building a Dairy Legacy

    There’s a special pride that is only felt by farmers. It’s the pride that comes from being part of a family-owned farm – the kind of farm that will be passed on from generation to generation. Fo...

  • Complete Feeds: All Feeds are Not Created Equal

    When selecting or purchasing a feed, it is important to ask for the ingredient list from the manufacturer because, the guaranteed analysis on the product label will not provide you with enough relevan...

  • calf drinking on bucket

    Know the six signals to monitor in youngstock

    Successful calf and heifer raising can be measured in a few ways. Ultimately, the investment put into replacement animals results in a reduced age at first calving (optimum target of 22 to 24 months),...

  • Prebiotics and Probiotics: Their Impact and Role on you Horse’s Digestive Health

    The health benefits of prebiotics and probiotics have become all the rage. For the past several years, probiotics have been added to many different kinds of yogurt, juices, and other food products fou...

  • Providing a team approach for a more prosperous industry

    This drastic increase in readily available information has pushed farmers to seek out various industry personnel to provide insight not only on how to best make use of the vast information but also wh...

  • Amino Acid Requirements for Horses

    In order to fuel, repair, and recover muscle, equine diets must optimally contain a superior amino acid profile, including all 10 of the essential amino acids. Most horse owners can quickly name the c...

  • feeding chickens

    The Right Nutrition at the Right Time for Layers

    Timing is everything when it comes to feeding your laying hens. Ensuring they have the correct nutrition at just the right time is an important part of having a happy and healthy flock. Hatch to appro...

  • cows in stalls

    Maximizing herd lifetime productivity: Key factors and strategies to enhance longevity

    Dairy cow longevity has moved more in the spotlight in recent years, mainly due to the economic and sustainability consequences associated with short animal lifespans. The decision of culling or keepi...

  • dairy cow freedoms

    What are the 6 Freedoms of a Cow?

    The six freedoms of a cow outlined by a dairy farming training organization are space, rest, water, air, light and feed. These freedoms have aligned benchmarking goals to help producers realize higher...

  • What is your dry cow program costing you?

    When evaluating feed costs on any dairy operation, there are three main areas of focus: the lactating herd, the heifer program and the dry cow period. While many producers have moved to some variation...

  • Using Key Indicators on the Farm to Optimize Quality of Forages

    Forages are the basis of dairy herd feeding programs, and their optimal use has a significant impact on farm profitability. They provide cows with the nutrients they need to support their maintenance,...

  • Cows in stalls eating

    Reducing Feed Cost Checklist

    Feed is expensive. The good news is: Successfully implementing feed management protocols can help to lower your feed cost. Feed management encompasses many aspects on a dairy, some of which can’t be...

  • corn silage testing

    Processing Silage for Greater Profitability

    Corn silage harvest season is just around the corner, making it the perfect time to step back and think about what can be done differently this year to maximize the energy your herd gets from this for...

  • Pick Your Battle Against Heat Stress

    As we enter the spring and summer months, many of us are thinking of all the fun outdoor activities we will finally be able to do. But while we’re enjoying our barbecues and pools, our livestock may...